After months of challenging work and organization we developed the international convention of EUSGA. in Graz (Austria), last May.

Ceo DMH and CEO Manatís with the president of EUSGA
Manatís oversaw the managing, organizing and directing of the convention.There has been a wide participation of different industries, both by the leaders in distribution of high level of professionalism like EPIDOR and by distinguished manufacturers such as DMH It is an honour and fortune to be able to have clients of these attributes, because we have specialized in a job that as we say in our talks at the university (EAE and Ostelea) to future professionals "there is no turning back" and therefore, everything has to be perfectly controlled and managed.
Eusga is an international association made up of professionals who not only stand out with their work, but also with their human kindness, we have received numerous thanks and they thanked us publicly in one of the dinners
Manatís was able to articulate its professionalism, creativity and specialty in the field of organization and management of events, qualities and abilities that were publicly acknowledged for its general director Jacqueline Ruiz, where the work done before all the members of the entity was thanked. The recognition was delivered by Mr. Urs Müller, president of the international association EUSGA and Director of International Sales and Technology, as well as member of the executive board of Kubo Tech Ges. M.b.H.
Manatís also want to thank all the people who have collaborated to make this convention possible and above all for the trust and opportunity that EUSGA has given us to be able to control and manage this important convention and to be able to work on something that we like. We are passionate about and for which we give a service.
It is and will be a pleasure to return to work for EUSGA at the 2019 convention in Switzerland, with this esteemed recognition, we have no other desire to be better every day and go to look for not only ten out of ten but twelve . Thanks Eusga !

Ürs Muller president of EUSGA with Jacqueline Ruiz C